Saturday, July 29, 2017

You Can't Fight Fate

"You can't fight fate. Everyone has free will but at the end of the day there is a plan that was written for all of us. There are no accidents (coincidences) in life, people we meet either serve as a lesson or a blessing to teach us a lesson (s) or to help us and feel blessed that they have entered our life even if it was for a brief time. Wherever we are in our life currently is where we are meant to be, whoever is or isn't in our life is how it is meant to be.  What is meant for you will not pass you by." - Yours truly 

The film Already Tomorrow In Hong Kong exemplifies my belief of fate. I happened to stumble across this movie on Netflix and it struck such a chord in me that I could never forget it. This is the perfect example of fate working at its best. Nothing is ever final in life, just because it didn't work out with someone or something initially doesn't mean it never will. If you have never seen it I suggest you do because the whole premise of this film is exactly how unpredictable life is and although you may think it is not meant to work out with that person it still can in the foreseeable future. Maybe there is "unfinished business" that you and that person have to tackle before your future with this person can come to fruition, maybe you still have more growing up to do, maybe the time for love is just not meant to bloom yet....There are many factors that could be the reason why. That is the beauty of how the universe works and how important it is to start a new chapter and clear the way for good. But at the end of the day everyone has free will and gets to decide what road they want to go down, that is the beauty of life. I am glad that us as human beings we do not have the power to use mind control to make people want to be with us who truly don't. Just like that old corny movie Love Potion NO.9 where two scientists found a magic scent that would draw the opposite sex into falling in love (lust) with them. I would never want someone to be with me if their heart wasn't truly in it. I am glad everyone has free will and gets to decide what they want when the choice and circumstances are presented to them.
I know skeptics do not believe in fate because they don't like to think that we do not get to choose and life has been mapped out for us and if fate does exist it will just fall on our laps. That is not what my belief of what fate is. I believe that in order for you to live your destiny you have to go out and do the  work because no one is knocking on your door. It is sort of like going on a scavenger hunt and following all the clues on the map in order to find the treasure. You'll only find the treasure if you go out and hunt for it the same way you will live out your dreams and destiny if you go out and actively pursue achieving it. 

  Life is so full of surprises, isn't that what makes life so interesting and exciting?

Another timeless classic is Sliding Doors. 
What if Gwyneth Paltrow didn't miss her train? Do you ever think about what would happen if you weren't at the right place at the right time? If you have have chosen not to meet your friend at the restaurant because you were too tired then you would've missed the chance encounter with your soul mate. If the train was too delayed to getting you on time for that job interview then you wouldn't of been offered the job of your dreams. Do you think these hypothetical & realistic situations simply occur just by happenstance? Just a coincidence? Well I personally do not believe in coincidences...... This kind of touches upon my last entry of "Everything Happens For MY Reason." Just like the premise of Sliding Doors, it goes into detail of what events would've transpired if Gwyneth Paltrow would've made the train before the doors shut and took off. In addition to that,  the film also shows that people that are meant to be in your life will enter it regardless of what events transpire like what happened to her. I believe there is some inexplicable life force that is intangible that helps dictate our life events. In this case of Sliding Doors it would've been more of a severe consequence if she would've caught her train. This movie also exemplifies the belief of fate and things happening for a reason. I can't go into more detail than that because I am not G-d and I do not know exactly  why like the rest of us but I definitely believe in the moral of this story of what is meant to be. I do not want to give the detailed premise away in case you have not seen it. If you have not seen it then I highly recommend you do. 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Uptown Girl

Everything I want & need is right here in New York City 💋💚

"Uptown girl, she's been living in her Uptown world...." -Billy Joel 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Everything Happens for MY Reason

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away" U2

I've always pondered if everything happens for a reason like most human beings on this planet might do. I used to wholeheartedly say, "oh yes, definitely" but then skeptics who do not believe there is a rhyme or reason for something happening in this world (or to you personally) would say if that is true then why do bad things happen to innocent/good people?  I feel like that is a good point and as of recently I can't make sense of it either. The only answer to this question I've gotten "matter of factly" are from people who follow organized religion, and well that needless to say is still not that clear to me.  Of course no one really knows the answer to this just like no one on this planet knows what the f**k they are doing anyway, so many people are walking around and functioning like they think they have all the answers when they don't. I'll tell you one thing though, I would be hard pressed to find out that there really isn't life on any other planets. The universe is never ending and to think that the only life that exists is Earth which is a size of a dot relatively speaking and this whole planet of 2 billion people are inhabited by mostly morons, well that would be sad. Sorry I sound blunt but it is mostly comprised of idiots. Of course there are a fair share of good and smart people but to think this WHOLE entire universe only has life on Earth sounds inconceivable to me. Anyway getting back to what I was originally saying, I would like to think that things do really happen for a reason good and bad but who knows why. I can't solve or offer any other answers this world faces like any other person but I could offer some insight into my life. I must say I now realize why it was vital for me to go through everything I did in my past. I learned so much through life lessons than I ever could inside a classroom. People say that one day you'll realize why it had to happen and now I do. I had to experience all of those hurdles and challenges where I felt like I couldn't breathe in order to be successful in my life now. I have made all the big mistakes then to know how to do things the right way now. All of my previous job experiences (negative and positive) have prepared me and alerted me to know how to do things correctly now. It feels like learning to brush my teeth: Every time I am faced with the same challenge, I am so used to it that it feels more like second nature.  Not only did it make me stronger but now I know not to make the same wrong choice (s) in every avenue I will face in my life now. The real world is a scary place and I am very grateful that I am fully equipped to endure it. Some people I know live in a bubble and that is unfortunate.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

It's not Fitness, it's life

Endorphins are my drug of choice 

Feel the burn! My mind is one to wander which means I need to be preoccupied at all times. I get bored very easily and I am not built to have too much idle time on my hands. If I do my mind will spiral into another dimension and may never find its way back. Exercise not only gives me such a physical work out but my mind is able to stay in one place and under control. I really do feel like I am getting therapy, that old endorphin rush really does exist. My thoughts are very erratic and I have trouble controlling them so when I hit the gym it is able to stabilize my mind, body & soul. Once I get back to it I get addicted to it all over again and must go at least 3 days a week. I found this outlet back when I was a teenager in high school and it got more intense ever since. No matter how long of a break I take, sometimes (but rarely) if I don't make it to the gym for a month or two I always go back. I do not feel that guilty because living in New York with no car (thank God!) I walk everywhere and take so many stairs each day that it more than compensates for my brief hiatus from the gym. If the gym and New York were both men I would marry the gym and I have an extramarital affair with New York.

"Spring Cleaning"

Cleaning out my "Closet"

So I noticed that a lot of my colleagues last week were organizing and cleaning out their closets in their classroom and that compelled me to clean out my proverbial closet. These are people that were friends, a couple of them I wasn't close to or ever close to mainly because they lived too far away, or were too preoccupied with their spouse's or just some of them I never hung out with that often anyway, I just kept in touch with them and they were kind enough to help me in my time of need, whatever that may have been. But now I realize I no longer want to communicate with them anymore or even stay in touch via social media because one of them was always living in her own little bubble and the other one became so strange that I just decided that instead of venting to them like I always did in the past I would just delete them from my social media. The smarter you get the less you speak, especially since it is about BS. I don't even want to know why this one friend in particular became so strange especially since she had said we were best friends and she helped me a great deal and I did my best to show my appreciation. The other one is exactly the same since high school and I had the chance to be her friend again many years later and now I realize why our friendship never made it past high school. These people are good people and I have nothing against them or anything, it's just that they no longer serve any purpose in my life. I wish them the best and I really do not even care to know why one of my friends I am referring to became so strange. I will admit I was initially insulted and left scratching my head as to why she hid such life changing and exciting news from me while letting other people know about it and not me especially due to the fact she acted like we were good friends and she told me things of that nature a while back.  I then found that to be creepy and honestly do not want to confront her anyway and I am perfectly content with just shutting the door and moving on. I do not think I want to even know the reason why she became so shady. 
I now realize after being through past situations where I would tell people off and confront them & ask them why this and why that that it is such a peace of mind to just remain quiet and walk away.  Actions speak louder than words, just never speaking to them again and falling off the grid is such a better and logical alternative. This is one of the many lessons in life I have learned that exploding and confronting people that bothered you is not the logical thing to do.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017