Thursday, December 8, 2016

Farewell to an Unforgettable Experience

My time has now officially ended working in the New York City public schools as a Substitute Teacher.  It has been the  most eye-opening, drama filled, disturbing experience I had the pleasure of seeing firsthand.  I have had more experience and a more realistic view of the NYC educational system than most teachers will ever have, especially the teachers who teach where I grew up: Westchester County, NY and other "utopian" areas & communities here in the state of New York.
In such a short amount of time, I have had the opportunity to teach in all kinds of public schools here in the Greater NYC Area.  I have seen and personally experienced so many unbelievable issues directed towards me and children here in NYC who deserve a valuable education. I am very grateful that I was given the opportunity to teach in all subjects, grades, varying school districts all over Queens, Manhattan & Brooklyn. I plan on writing about this and everything I went through, everything children go through & the staff & administration face on a daily basis.  Now I understand why there are so many problems in this economy. I still love children, and every day when I taught for the D.O.E. I remember why I went into this profession in the first place: My love, empathy & deep affinity to help children develop as a healthy adult and to support them in their studies to give them the drive to want to learn and succeed in their future is infinite. Almost every day I taught here I marveled at what all of the teachers, guidance counselors and the administration go through on a daily basis. My hat goes off to them. These professionals that wake up early every morning day in & day out and work at an inner city school with kids that do not want to learn, are extremely defiant physically and verbally (at all ages), do not get paid enough (just one of many issues that is just barely scratching beneath the surface).  If you dig deeper, you will see that there is a reason why these students became like this, the root of the problem is not their fault, children are innocent hence the point of my blog/blog entry. It may be their upbringing, education and/or both. I hope one day this crisis will be rectified because like most things in life, it is unfair. Unfortunately, all industries of the world are corrupt, and the education system personally speaking is unfortunately one of them.
 A lot of people have the misconception that being a teacher is a very satisfying, easy career because they get the summers off, but let me tell you, the summers months go by very quickly compared to what they face on a daily basis.  For now, I am surmising my teaching experience, but like I previously stated, I will in time write everything I have experienced firsthand.  After this journey I just completed, I realize that I will always value education and my deep passion for children will never cease. Now I realize after teaching classes ranging from 25 up to 34 students independently that the actual art of teaching is too overwhelming & stressful for me to handle. Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to work in the administrative field while exploring the educational/teaching field where I worked so hard at to graduate with a M.S. in early childhood, childhood & Children with Disabilities. I also worked just as arduously to pass all of the NYS certification exams.  I do not regret any of it though, I am proud of myself that I took a chance at a career I thought I would love at the time and worked hard to prove to myself that I do have the drive & motivation to complete a graduate program and state exams. Some people are too lazy, are afraid to take a chance and not really know what will result from doing something new that entails a lot of studying & hard work. This degree won't go to waste, I will use it and transfer the skills that I acquired being a teacher and the knowledge of education to another profession that is related to this. 

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