Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Lady Luck?

Does luck really exist? Or is it a myth like the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus? People love to throw around "oh you're so lucky," or "I got lucky" or "I am so lucky." But are we really lucky? Or do we have to work hard and never give up in order to achieve this intangible (imaginary?) feeling of being "lucky?" I have been so used to hearing this throughout my life that I catch myself loosely throwing around "I am lucky" or "you are so lucky" without even really meaning it. I think I say it more of a figure of speech & part of speaking the English language.
I am a strong believer that we have to work hard to achieve our goals and if that is what you call lucky then I guess so. But that is usually not what people refer to when they loosely throw around this pipe dream type word. The word "luck" is ubiquitous and could be referred to any context and facet of life. I am not so sure I believe in luck and some people have better circumstances due to "luck" whether it be their upbringing, friendships or just circumstances they are faced with in life. I am on the fence with whether luck is the answer to this. I think we are dealt with a deck of cards that we have to make the most of in our life and although an outsider might think we are "lucky" it might not be how we feel. You don't know what happens behind closed doors even if it is sprinkled with so much splendor and opulence aesthetically speaking. 
I think this life is solely our responsibility and when I hear people say you're lucky landing that job, promotion, meeting your soulmate a.k.a. love of your life, I find it hard to belief that it is luck. Spending many years in school and graduating and passing exams, certification exams, getting your head handed to you from one unsatisfying job after another until you finally work so hard that you land the job of your dreams is not luck....It is called determination, ambition, working within the right mindset & never giving up......This could be transferred to friendships, connections, true love....It all comes down to the right mindset and the energy you exude along with everything else I just previously stated. Our mind is a very powerful tool and is the puppet master of our life.
I believe there are no accidents and there is a plan for everyone that will come to fruition only if you are proactive in finding it after being knocked down so many times and refusing to never give up...  Eventually you will finally stand up & the universe will grant you your wish....You have to trust the process....I don't think "luck" makes any sense or sounds logical in my belief (opinion).

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said, just sayin:) Even I, from the baby boomer generation can say, what a change in the English language. Who can I blame? The maniacal millennials,? Lol:) Lots of Luck.. Kudos, Brilliantly written.!!
