Saturday, August 19, 2017

Sink Or Swim

I feel like life is one big ocean: As soon as you grow up and become an adult, life becomes more like learning how to sink or swim.  My metaphor isn't written all in black and white of course, there are some people that are forever pampered by their parents & that treat them like babies till the end of time and live in the same big, shiny bubble that the Fairy God Mother from the Wizard of Oz lived in that lifts off higher than the sky. I could only speak for myself and to others that could relate to what I am going through. This metaphor could be translated in the literal sense: When I was a child and was first learning how to swim my father took me to the pool and forced me to jump in the water. I was petrified of course, the water was around 6 ft. high and unlike most kids that are bold and very daring, I was the antithesis. I was scared of everything from rides at amusement parks and going on water slides and getting in trouble at school. Well, my father wasn't one to handle me with kid gloves (no pun intended.)  Every day during that summer at the pool, I would dread when my father was done playing paddle ball because he told me that he was going to make sure I learned how to swim. There I was standing by the pool with my father waiting for me to jump in 6 ft of water. I was scared s**tless as I stood there trembling as I saw before me my father in that large pool of water waiting for me to jump into his arms. Well, someway and somehow that unorthodox way of teaching your child how to swim worked. I was able to conquer my fear of the water and learned how to swim.
Now as a young working professional in the "real world" I mentally use this one particular childhood memory as an analogy. 
In the professional world of being an adult after college and getting a job to support yourself (paying your own bills such as rent, food etc,....) or how about just blatantly saying, SURVIVING IN THE REAL WORLD?!?!?! it's sink or swim baby, strangers that now become your boss, supervisor, co-workers/colleagues, landlord, anyone that is in charge of your way of making ends meet do not treat you like you did growing up, they don't care about the fate of your position at their company, your finances, being out on your a** without a job and no money coming in. Only the strong survive, you either learn how to swim in the ocean or you sink and drown: and guess what? NO ONE CARES IF YOU'RE DROWNING, no one will save you, only you could save yourself! I was so unhappy as a child growing up, I was very shy and afraid of everything although I was being taken care of (spoiled rotten) with psychological abuse attached to it I'd still rather be where I am now as a strong, independent woman rather than a little girl. Although my father did not do me any favors by spoiling me and not teaching me the value of a dollar, in the end he did me the favor of telling me like it is and treating me with harsh and cruel criticism among other things. That old childhood cliche "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me" is the biggest fallacy ever created, I felt like I was being verbally whipped. As a young girl battling common issues most female adolescents face such as body image, physyical apearance and fitting in with your peers you could only imagine how suffocated I felt. To this day, I could still hear his icy and cruel words in the back of my head.  I had to fall down a million times and cry my eyes out while battling plenty of personal hardship as a child to get used to this harsh treatment my father dispelled on me. But as I matured into early adulthood, I developed a voice and strong will that enabled me to become accustomed to his unorthodox (amoral?) way of raising me which as a result prepared me to be tough in this cruel world. In retrospect, he taught me more life lessons on how to be fully equipped to handle reality than I ever learned inside the classroom....and for that I will forever be grateful.   


  1. I am so sorry for what you had to go through to get where you are today:( I honor you and thank you for having a voice, and I can only hope it reaches out to someone who is struggling, and can gain the strength that you so beautifully portray. You are an incredible, sensitive, honest writer, and I wish you many blessings on your journey, straight from my heart to yours.:).

  2. I understand what you went through growing up during your childhood years.
    My situation as a little boy was similar at times. Growing up in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn was not easy for me either. I too was a very shy little boy. I didn't mingle with other children in public school from the kindergarten to the 4th grade. My mother was very worried about me at the time.
    My parents sent me to Day Camp in my old neighborhood, with the purpose of getting over my shyness and start to mingle with other kids my age.
    Lo and behold it worked,I did not have the confidence as a child to mingle with other children my age, however at the age of 9, I statted to develop the confidence in my ability to meet and make new friends.
    My parents sending me first to day camp and later on my own to overnight camp gave me the necessary confidence to mingle, and make new friends. My mother felt that I needed to be in an environment, where I had to adjust out of my shyness, so that later on in life I would have the ability to meet and make new friends.
    I thank my parents for helping me, help myself in accomplishing my goal of getting out of my shyness.
    However, even then at a very young age, like sink or swim, it was up to me to make that leap.
    Today, I now have the necessary confidence, thanks to my parents, to mingle and speak in front of a large group of people.
    Life's early lessons has paid off for me.

