Sunday, November 5, 2017

Perfectly Imperfect??

There are some words in the English dictionary that I just do not think are realistic, yet they are used all the time. In addition to "luck" where I went into great detail in Lady Luck & Lady Luck Part II, the next word is "perfect".  That old cliche "there is no such thing as perfect" has always resonated with me. I do not think anything in life could ever be perfect. I find this word is more like a pipe dream...Sure you could get pretty close to what you deem might be "perfect" but I always say there are pros and cons a.k.a. pluses and minuses to everything in life....The difference between feeling this state of "perfection" and being extremely unsatisfied is that the pluses/pros far outweigh the minuses/cons...My perfect partner, perfect job, perfect health, perfect house.....I don't know about you but as much as I might be elated and over the moon for my ideal apartment and job, I would never say it is "perfect."  Anyone searching for perfection will always remain unhappy because there is no such thing as "perfect."  The best you could do is is find the best situation to be in with mostly appealing aspects/attributes & go from there. Everything takes work. There's always something to work. It's called LIFE! I catch myself sometimes using this word too, but I use it loosely and more of a figure of speech then something I am staking out to achieve. 

I will mention something that I love... My affinity for New York City...I love NYC!!!!! But I do not find it is perfect...As much as I love how large it is and all of the infinite places to explore from all different facets of life and how diverse the population is, there are some things I am not happy with...Overcrowded/delays on subways, the dead of winter...I love it here but I would never say New York is "perfect". The same way I would describe where I live now...I am head over heels in love with my apartment but there are some gripes I have about it as well...I love how spacious my bedroom is and how it came decorated with these purple floral curtains, how it feels like I live in a timeshare in the Hamptons, I love the area I live in, I love how strategically and convenient it is to commute to the city, my landlord goes above & beyond BUT.... I share this apartment with roommates that treat this place like a monastery...Almost as if they took a vow of silence like that scene in The Hangover. When I signed this lease with my landlord he said no noise after 11 pm but I had no idea that his definition of what "noise" is would be different from my definition. I thought what constituted noise is loud and blaring music/television, parties and the like...Apparently noise here means lightly making/cooking food in the kitchen, speaking on your cellphone at a normal volume and even making loud footsteps!!! I have never been told in my life that I make too much noise walking until I moved in here. After moving in, unbeknownst to me at the time I discovered that this house is so old that every footstep and breath you take the whole house reverberates! Because this house is so old the hardwood floors creak and make some noise. The walls are so paper thin that I could hear everything not only inside my apartment but the other two floors as well...I even had a roommate post a piece of paper on the wall to not shut my bedroom door too loud! 

I'll give you an example everyone could relate to: the Internet. Due to the ubiquity of the dawn of cyber space, it has opened so many new doors unimaginable. To think everyone years ago thought the creation of the calculator was hard to believe. The Internet has made everything so much easier in every aspect of human existence and much more accessible and easy to access. Everything is now a mouse click and keystroke away from conducting business via e-mail, messaging/face to face conversations from oceans between people such as Skype, soliciting sex, applying for jobs online and even in the dating world. You no longer have to leave your house to pursue potential mates or go out physically and hunt for jobs. You could send and receive everything electronically. Social media is not only a powerful tool to connect with people old and new but people also use it as a professional platform as well. Between blogs such as mine, people building their own websites and sites such as YouTube to get your name out there and express your talent for literally all the world to see with a mouse click away almost sounds made up. With all the marvels and beauty of the convenience comes with a price to pay of course....Not only is the creation of the Internet ubiquitous & accessible, but due to the anonymity of it there comes attached many cons a.k.a. downfalls...harder to track down computer hackers, pedophiles/sex traffickers and even more heinous crimes... The Internet also makes it tempting now to cheat on your spouse while being incognito & discreet since this is all done virtually. The big one I feel stands out is cyber bullying.  Like I said, the reason why I have added the Internet is to strengthen and validate the fact that there is no such thing as perfect!!! No matter how many advantages there may be in every facet of life there also comes at least a few disadvantages...

Do you understand what I am driving at? Nothing will ever be PERFECT!!! You might be so euphoric and highly satisfied but never to the point of bliss where there are virtually no cons/minuses. I feel like "perfect" is somewhat of a myth. Like I said, the closest to this artificial feeling of perfection is finding many more pros/pluses that supersede the cons/minuses...I wish we could throw this word out of the dictionary but then what would we replace it with?!?!   

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