Sunday, February 12, 2017

Miss Independent

There is something about being a woman who has her own independence more specifically, having your own finances and career in order that make you feel on top of the world. You feel like you spread your wings and you are flying. 
Bringing this blog entry back to reality in a more literal sense, I mean to say it is a very powerful feeling to be a woman who does not have to depend on a man for any financial support. Times, well they are changing.....Women are breaking barriers.  Much more women in the 21st century are going to college, building their careers and delaying marriage & children.  They are no longer type casted as the "housewife" who has to stay home and raise the kids and keep the house spotless.  The man a.k.a. husband is no longer deemed the "bread winner." In fact, a lot more women these days are making more money than their husbands and a lot of them are now staying home and playing the role of Mr. Mom. A lot more women have now climbed the corporate ladder and are CEO's, doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc... I am not a feminist by any means, I like to refer to myself as a "humanist." I fight and speak out my mind in what I believe in regarding any topic I feel very passionate about: Religion, prejudice, injustice, etc....
As a matter of fact, as of recently, studies show more women are entering college more than men are at an alarming rate:  "In the 25-34 age group, 37.5% of women have a bachelor's degree or higher, while only 29.5% of men do. (Rates of college attainment for men and women in this age group are increasing roughly equally.) But for the over-65 crowd, only 20.3% of women have such degrees, compared to 30.6% of men."
Here is another article that was written in March of 2016 that goes into further detail:
What a breakthrough!  I don't know about you, but I worked very hard with blood, sweat & tears to attain these two degrees I have framed and I would not let it go to waste.  I knew (know) this would be a stepping stone in creating myself a very bright future ahead....
Whether you like to believe it or not, a woman who does not have or gives up her job/career once she settles down and raises a family I strongly believe is creating an invisible disparity.  Even if the man she marries is a great catch, perfect gentleman, family man, he will always feel superior and feel he "wears the pants" in the family because he is the one who brings home the bacon. It does not matter that she slaves day in and day out to raise the children full time, keep the home immaculate and take care of her husband, and believe me I know it is a thankless job but if you're not making any money and not working any kind of proverbial 9-5 job, then sweetie, it does not matter, because at the end of the day if you are unhappy in your marriage or just want to exercise freedom and feel powerful & independent that will not cut it. In a more grim reality, and I am speaking realistically here and not negatively, if a woman marries a man who is not ideal (speaking mildly) well then she already starts off financially dependent on him that snowballs into an avalanche. She cannot leave so easily for obvious reasons. She has to figure out how she is going to pick up & start off fresh with no disposable income and any kind of job to speak of. And in order for her to start this new life she has to make sure she receives enough money from her soon to be ex-husband and make sure she could even afford a good attorney and win enough alimony in court in order for her near future to be secure in any way.  This would probably explain why that during the baby boomer era there were MUCH fewer divorces than there are now, along with other reason (s) of course.

The answer is YES! You could have it all and it is being done as we speak! This is also the entire point of this blog entry! These are one of the many reasons why growing up I knew I was going to graduate from college and embark on a career to make something of myself and feel free of needing to depend on ANYONE, especially a man a.k.a. husband for anything along with feeling respected, confident and proud of myself as a woman. For any of you that do not agree/believe what I say, get your head out of the sand! Anyone that really knows me knows I am not one to sugar coat anything, I am very direct and brutally honest. It is true, and if you beg to differ, well then to each their own! As long as you're happy living in lala land that is fine by me! 
The glass ceiling still exists but it is great to know that there is great progress and slow progress is better than no progress at all! I am writing this because I feel very passionate about this topic especially given the breakthrough we as women are making one new statistic and news article at a time! 

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