Thursday, October 13, 2016

Uncomfortable comfort zones

Do you ever think about comfort zones and re-evaluate yourself and how you live your life? Meaning, do you find that everything you do from the little things to the big things, whether it is changing jobs, ending unhealthy/toxic relationships, moving to a new area/residence is something you avoid like the plague? Or are you very open to change and thrive on it? I am one of the people out there that get bored very easily; from changing my nail polish color to getting bored of eating the same food constantly. I always have to change everything around me, including where I live.   I know people that can't stand change and feel so comfortable with everything around them even if it is not serving them. I find using the word "comfort" next to zone is very short lived. Initially, it might feel good to feel comfortable in the beginning.  When you think of the word "comfortable" you think happy thoughts of rest & relaxation which in essence, is why people get stuck in this zone.  You are used to things being done the same way, situations being the same, people acting the same, etc...However, if you get too stuck you are missing out on opportunities and not being aware of how much better you could improve your life. Comfort zones are inevitably going to change anyway because life changes constantly whether you like it or not.  So if you do not change things in your life for the better, life (circumstances, events, people) will change it for you.   People who are stuck in comfort zones are not attuned to future opportunities and events that could change their life for the better. 

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