Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Recharging your "batteries"

Have you ever felt like you can relate to being compared to an inanimate object such as a cell phone when it is so low on battery that if it does not get hooked to a charger it will immediately shut off? I think all of us can relate to it. Well, that is how I have been feeling for the past couple of months.  I have not just felt tired like I needed sleep, but so depleted of energy that I physically felt like a shell of myself. Prior to this, I have always been so abundant with energy which I am grateful for: I wake up every morning looking forward to starting my day and walking outside as well as going to the gym. I feel like sharing this with you because it is important to take care of your mental state of being.  Your mental state governs your physical state as well.  This is hard to keep in check when you feel stressed and run down like I have the past several weeks.  I have felt so drained that I was not able to go to the gym and take all of the fitness classes I always have attended several days a week. Going to the gym for me is beyond filling a physical need, it also satiates my mind and gives me clarity; almost like a therapy session. It is true when they say you feel the endorphin rush.  Well, I want to end this blog entry on a positive note: After taking care of my personal needs that contributed to my run down state, I now feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the world! I think positive every day and feel grateful for my state of health.  Health is wealth. You are nothing without your health.
I strongly advise people who do not exercise to start! Exercise is so important for a million different reasons. I know might be hard in the beginning to get into a routine, but after a while it becomes second nature and your life will change for you physically and mentally.  Not only does it do wonders for you physically and keep you well, but mentally it gives you a peace of mind and clarity I cannot even begin to describe. 

                         All ready to reunite with the gym!!! 

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