Thursday, November 24, 2016

These boots are made for walk'n

Good afternoon. My long overdue blog entry is to inform you about the benefits of walking.  I had no idea that walking was this beneficial not only to your physical health & well being, but other factors such as your mind and generating creating ideas.  I always knew that walking for an extended period of time on a daily basis has rewards but I did not know to the extent until now.  Living here in New York City and not having a car and walking everywhere & taking public transportation, I did not feel guilty and like a couch potato if I took a few hiatuses here & there from the gym.  Between walking several miles everyday, and taking endless steps into subway stations and stairways up and down all day from where I worked I felt great & in shape and knew it was the perfect supplement for the gym. For me, I enjoy walking so much and I walk very fast & sometimes on my down time when I am just enjoying and exploring the city like I have mentioned in my previous posts, it gets me thinking and I generate new ideas.  I had no idea that from this personal experience there was an article that validated everything I have just mentioned in a nutshell.  This is the article and I encourage all of you to read it so everyone else could know how including walking into your daily routine does wonders for you & you do not have to feel guilty if you miss going to the gym:  
I want to start spreading the word so everyone else can be informed of this.  Normally, most studies are either bogus, and/or studies that are published by different authors regarding the same topics 9 times out of 10 contradict each other, but in this case I know that it is true since I exemplify everything written in this article. I'm sorry if I sound cynical, but it is true. So please, click on the link and take a look! 

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